Marks Percentage Calculator

Marks Percentage Calculator is most used online tools to ease any marks percentage formula. This tool provides great calculation over All Exams, 10th(SSLC) or sslc percentage calculator, 11th, 12th(HSC), ITI, CBSE Board, All Semesters, Overall Percentage Calculator, Overall Scores and etc.

Answer in Percentage:

Scored Mark:

Out of Mark:

The Answer:

Formula For Marks Percentage Calculation?

(Scored Mark / Out of Mark) * 100 = Final Value %

When to use Marks Percentage Calculation?

If you are looking to calculate marks percentage calculation or overall percentage calculator, use this tool for the final result.

How to calculate percentage of sslc marks?

  • Step 1: To calculate sslc mark, first divide the value of scored mark and out of mark value.
  • Step 2: Then Multiply the value by 100.
  • Step 3: Hence, (scored mark / out of mark) * 100 = Final Value.
  • Step 4: Lets, consider A as scored mark and B as Out of Mark.
  • Step 5: The Formula for mark percentage calculation is ((A / B) * 100) = C.

10th mark percentage calculator

  • Step 1: To calculate 10th marks percentage - first divide the scored mark divide by out of mark
  • Step 2: Then, Multiply the value by 100.
  • Step 3: For example, Normally 10th out of mark is 500
  • Step 4: if person scored 410 out of 500.
  • Step 5: Hence, ((410/500)*100) = 82%

12th mark percentage calculator

  • Step 1: To calculate 12th marks percentage - first divide the scored mark divide by out of mark
  • Step 2: Then, Multiply the value by 100.
  • Step 3: Normally 12th out of mark is 1200
  • Step 4: For Example, if person scored 910 out of 1200.
  • Step 5: Hence, ((410/500)*100) = 75.83%

For Example: A student scored 443 out of 500


= (scored mark / out of mark) * 100

= (443/500) x 100

= 88.60%