Work Experience Calculator Online(Exp Calculator)

The online work experience calculator is a free tool used to compare two dates. On the other side, you can also calculate Date of Joining(DOJ) and Last Working Date(LWD) easily. It is also known as a work exp calculator.

5 years, 2 months, 2 days

How is work experience calculated?

  • Step 1: Enter the work experience details of the two dates (i.e) Date of Joining - A and Last Working Date - B
  • Step 2: Dates are formatted in DD-MM-YYYY/MM-DD-YYYY.
  • Step 3: Subtract Date of Joining and Last Working Date, (i.e.) A-B = C
  • Step 4: Now you get C.
  • Step 5: Thus the work exp is found easily now.

What is the formula for work experience calculation?

Work experience is the difference between two dates. The formula for work experience calculation is

A - B = C

That means you minus the two dates.

How to calculate work experience?

  • Step 1: First, consider the Date of Joining (i.e) DOJ.
  • Step 2: Then, consider the Last Working Date (i.e) LWD.
  • Step 3: Calculate the difference between Date of Joining and Last Working Date.
  • Step 4: Minus the two dates.
  • Step 5: Hence, the difference is mathematically proved.

How to use this work experience calculator tool:

Let's see how to use this work experience calculator tool to find an exact work exp difference between the two dates A and B.

  • Step 1: On this page, enter the date of joining details, assume is A.
  • Step 2: Choose the last working date details assume is B in another box.
  • Step 3: Make sure to enter the correct details.
  • Step 4: Finally click "calculate" to get the work exp details based on their dates.
  • Step 5: Use a clear option to clear the contents/fields.

This illustration is meant for a better understanding of the online work experience calculator:

For Example:

How much work experience between 01-03-2012 and 15-01-2020?

  1. Assume that Date of joining is 01-03-2012 whereas Last working date is 15-01-2020. Now I want to calculate their work exp. So, it’s time to work on this work experience difference tool to see how it operates:
  2. Enter/Select the date of joining (01-03-2012)in the space provided with the format.
  3. Enter/Select the last working date (15-01-2020) in the second space.
  4. Click the "calculate" option to find their work experience.
  5. Now the result, i.e the "Work Experience: 7 years, 10 months, 14 days" is shown on the screen.
Note: If you want to repeat the process, just click clear and continue.