Reverse Percentage Calculator Online

Reverse Percentage Calculator is online tool to ease any calculate the terms like - find percentage between two numbers/values, is what percentage of, what percentage of is, how to calculate percentage of, percentage of and is of what number.

Answer in Percentage:

The Answer is:

Formula For Reverse Percentage Calculation?

(First Value / Second Value) * 100 = Final Value %

When to use Reverse Percentage Calculation?

If you are looking to calculate reverse percentage or find percentage between two values, use this tool for the final percentage value result.

How to calculate reverse percentage?

  • Step 1: To calculate reverse percentage.
  • Step 2: First divide the two values and multiply the final value by 100.
  • Step 3: Hence, (first value / second value) * 100 = Final Value.
  • Step 4: Lets, consider A as first value and B as second value.
  • Step 5: The Formula for reverse percentage calculation is ((A / B) * 100) = C.

For Example:

20 is what percent of 30?


= (first value / second value) * 100

= (20/30) x 100

= 66.6666666667%

what percent of 20 is 40?


= (first value / second value) * 100

= (20/40) x 100

= 50%